The Well Church

Sandy, Utah -

Phone: 8015994439

Here at The Well, we are building a house that welcomes the least and the lost. A house that beckons the brokenhearted and builds up the beat down. We are building a house that calls out to the cast away and the commuter, the callous and the cast down. A house with its doors open to the marginalized and the maligned. A house that throws a party for the wayward and binds up the defeated. A house that welcomes home the burdened and the burnt out. Encourages the discouraged. Heals the hurting. Loves the unlovable. And accepts the unacceptable. We are building a house that is united in cause, resolute in character, intentional with resource, founded on truth and has Jesus at the center. We are a house where you can laugh and you can cry. You can doubt and you can dig in. We are a house for this city, where we can say, "Welcome home".

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